Apartment Report

Year Ended 2017-12-31

310 Lexington Ave
New York
NY 10016

310 Lexington Owners Corp.

Financial Statements

Balance Sheets

Balance Sheets
Cash - operating 471
Cash and cash equivalents - reserve fund 3,413
Bank certificates of deposits - reserve fund 180
Due from shareholders 150
Due from commercial tenants 115
Other receivables 43
Prepaid real estate taxes 2,040
Prepaid expenses 196
Property and equipment - net 22,846
Investment in NCB stock 71
Security deposits held 751
Total Assets 30,277
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 431
Capital improvements payable 1,167
Abatements payable 723
Maintenance charges received in advance 153
Deferred commercial rent 456
Mortgage payable 25,917
Less: Mortgage costs - net (219)
Security deposits payable 751
Total Liabilities 29,378
Shareholders' Equity
Capital stock 713
Additional paid-in capital 44,917
Retained earnings (deficit) (44,730)
Total Shareholders' Equity 900
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 30,277

Statements of Operations

Statements of Operations
Maintenance charges 15,145
Less: Abatements (1,423)
Operating assessments 1,653
Commercial rent 1,348
Transfer fees 246
Laundry income 65
Other income 454
Total Income 17,487
Real estate taxes 9,655
Less: Abatements (1,423)
Mortgage interest 1,009
Payroll and related expenses 4,974
Electric and gas 229
Heating 436
Water and sewer 345
Repairs and maintenance 848
Insurance 331
Management fees 396
Professional fees 450
Corporation taxes 101
Office and administration 122
Total Expenses 17,472
Income from Operations 15
Other Items
Capital assessment -0-
Commercial rent - straight-line adjustment 62
Depreciation (1,779)
Interest - amortization of mortgage costs (30)
Net Income (Loss) (1,733)