Apartment Report

Year Ended 2017-12-31

310 East 49 St
New York
NY 10017

310 East 49th Owners Corp.

Financial Statements

Balance Sheets

Balance Sheets
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents 851
Receivables (Note 3) 181
Prepaid expenses (Note 4) 128
Total Current Assets 1,159
Reserve fund (Notes 2 and 5) 5,461
Property and Improvements: (Notes 2 and 6)
Land 11,392
Building 23,661
Building improvements 19,362
Total 54,414
Less: accumulated depreciation (33,654)
Net Property and Improvements 20,761
Other Assets:
Investment in NCB stock (Note 2) 150
Unamortized credit line finance costs 66
Utility deposit 4
Total Other Assets 220
Total Assets 27,601
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 275
Real estate tax abatements 526
Mortgage payable - current portion 305
Prepaid maintenance and laundry income 127
Building improvements payable 48
Accrued mortgage interest 46
Total Current Liabilities 1,327
Long-Term Liabilities:
Mortgage payable - net of current portion (Note 7) 15,001
Unamortized mortgage finance costs (Note 2) (365)
Total Long-Term Debt 14,636
Security deposits payable 207
Total Long-Term Liabilities 14,843
Total Liabilities 16,171
Stockholders’ Equity
Common stock - $1.00 par value, 71,711 shares issued and outstanding 560
Additional paid-in capital 32,315
Accumulated deficit (21,444)
Total Stockholders’ Equity 11,431
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity 27,601


Maintenance 10,462
Operating assessment 1,095
Shareholder and other fees 288
Interest and dividend income 100
Transfer fees (Note 2) 108
Laundry income 63
Total Revenues 12,117
Cost of Operations
Administrative expenses Schedule 1 691
Operating expenses Schedule 2 4,986
Repairs and maintenance Schedule 3 640
Real estate tax 5,013
Mortgage interest 548
Corporation taxes 63
Total Cost of Operations 11,942
(Loss) Income Before Noncash Depreciation, Amortization and Mortgage Finance Interest Costs 175
Noncash depreciation, amortization and mortgage finance interest costs (1,410)
Net Loss For The Year (1,235)