Apartment Report

Year Ended 2011-12-31

200 East 36 St
New York
NY 10016

200 East 36th Owners Corp.

Financial Statements


Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents 1,571
Receivables (Note 3) 2,388
Prepaid expenses (Note 4) 366
Total Current Assets 4,325
Reserve fund (Notes 2 and 5) 4,848
Property and Improvements: (Notes 2 and 6)
Land 19,104
Building 76,417
Building improvements and equipment 18,163
Total 113,684
Less: accumulated depreciation 67,150
Net Property and Improvements 46,534
Other Assets:
Cash - security deposits 578
Unamortized mortgage finance costs (Note 2) 502
Deferred ieasing commissions (Note 2) 160
Total Other Assets 1,240
Total Assets 56,948
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable 550
Real estate tax abatements 669
Accrued mortgage interest 205
Building improvements payable 144
Advance maintenance 60
Total Current Liabilities 1,628
Long-Term Liabilities:
Mortgage payable (Note 7) 41,852
Security deposits payable 501
Total Long-Term Liabilities 42,353
Total Liabilities 43,981
Stockholders’ Equity
Common stock - $4.00 par value, 50,000 shares authorized, 47,364 shares issued and outstanding 305
Additional paid-in capital 63,752
Accumulated deficit (51,090)
Total Stackholders' Equity 12,967
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 56,948


Maintenance 12,462
Commercial and professional 2,853
Operating assessment 1,255
Electricity charges rebilled 675
Other sharehalder fees 257
Laundry income 39
Total Revenues 17,541
Cost of Operations
Administrative expenses Schedule 1 766
Operating expenses Schedule 2 6,855
Repairs and maintenance Schedule 3 800
Real estate tax 7,153
Interest expense 2,410
Corporation taxes 92
Total Cost of Operations 18,077
Loss from operations before other items and depreciation and amortization (536)
Interest income 61
Transfer fees (Note 2) 485
Income Before Depreciation and Amortization 10
Depreciation and amortization (2,946)
Net Loss For The Year (2,937)